And I am going to slurp it up. With cocktail sauce. And maybe a shot of tequila...

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

And the word of the week is...discombobulated.

I had an epiphany this week.

School sucks.

I don't know why it has taken me so long to realize this, but in the middle of all the junk that I had to accomplish in my short (7x24=........168) 168 available hours, I sat down for a minute and really reflected on what I had made of my life thus far. I am in my 5th year of college, about to graduate in the Spring, and 22 years of preparation have come down to this one question: what the heck am I going to do for the rest of my life? I am killing myself with working and studying, barely allowing myself time to breathe, let alone sleep or eat, and all for what? So I can make good grades and get a degree. For what? Yeah...good question.

It's a little unnerving not knowing where I will be or what I'll be doing in a year from now. God has blessed me with a large amount of flexibility- in both senses of the word ;) -and so I'm not terribly worried, but I am moderately worried. Well, slightly worried. Ok, not really worried, but concerned. Apprehensive. Umm...incredulous? No idea what that word means.

School sucks because I am tired of it and my teachers are boring. And I hate studying. And working. We have an awesome group of people this year in the International House, and I hate it that I don't have more time to just hang out and get to know everyone better. My roomy says I work too much. That's probably true, but I feel it is necessary. I refuse to bum money from my parents anymore. So whatever "mess" I say I am in, I have done entirely to myself.

Thank you, Max, for the word of the week. Discombobulated. I can't think of anything more appropriate.

You may be asking yourself, if she doesn't have time to do anything for herself, how is she finding time to write this blog? And you know what I say to that? Shut up.


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